Nutrition Counseling
Prenatal nutrition is so much more than just finding the right prenatal supplement.​
If you’re here, maybe you have a feeling that your OB’s advice to just take a prenatal supplement wasn’t quite enough.
Maybe your intuition is telling you to focus on nourishing your body, but you’re overwhelmed and not sure where to start.
Maybe you want to get pregnant, but you’re coming off hormonal birth control, your cycle’s a bit wacky, and you can't shake those yeast infections.
Maybe your sister’s best friend told you to start eating liver, but you think it’s disgusting and don’t really cook anyways.
Maybe you’re in the throes of pregnancy and need help finding natural ways to manage your pregnancy symptoms like constipation, anxiety, and anemia.
If any of these sound like you, you're in the right place!

I work with people who need a partner in supporting their health, someone who really listens to their concerns and formulates a plan that takes their whole self into perspective.
I pull from a decade of studying nutrition, cooking, herbalism, energy healing, and earth-based ritual. My approach is rooted in supporting the body's innate ability to heal and find balance. I emphasize digestive health, intuitive eating, and cooking skills.

We can work together at any stage in your pregnancy journey.
We begin with a 90-minute initial consultation to review your health history, eating patterns, relationship with food, and lifestyle. From there we work to set meaningful goals and explore the skills and knowledge you’ll need to achieve them. This session includes an individualized nourishment plan that weaves together nutritional + supplement recommendations, and may include herbal remedies and lifestyle practices like movement, meditation, and more. We emphasize intuitive eating, cooking skills, and meaningful, sustainable changes that make the biggest impact on your health and wellness.
Follow up sessions are 45-minutes.
Food IS medicine.
Together, we'll figure out how to best use it for YOU.
Are you planning a pregnancy
or already pregnant?
I'm a planner.
Let's get you ready.
We'll figure out how to implement an eating plan for optimal nourishment, replete nutrients lost from hormonal birth control, and address any underlying health issues.
Start up to two years pre-conception.
Initial nutrition session + two follow-ups
I'm preggers.
Let's demystify nutrition for pregnancy.
We'll create a nourishment plan to support baby's development, use food-as-medicine to address your pregnancy symptoms or conditions, optimize postpartum healing, and support lactation.
Start at any point in your pregnancy.
Initial nutrition session + two follow-ups
I'd rather schedule
à la carte.
Values that inspire the work:

Partnership - working together to uncover the nourishment your unique body needs to thrive, beginning exactly wherever you are.
You're the only expert on you.
Body Wisdom - tuning in to the language of your body, honoring hunger and satiety, and practicing flexibility and compassion.
The body knows what it needs to heal.
Holism - seeing you in your entirety, looking at more than just the food you eat to provide holistic food and lifestyle shifts that are realistic, achievable, and sustainable for the long haul.
Everything is connected.
The Power of Plants - bringing more color, variety, flavor, and nutrition to the table and connecting you to the natural world.
Plant foods are edible intelligence.
Balance - focusing on what makes you feel your best rather than the Good and the Bad, the Healthy and the Unhealthy.
Eat to nourish.
Transformation - reframing your health challenges into opportunities for reflection, growth, and discovery.
Work with challenge rather than against it.